I started photographing schools 12 years ago and over time have built a great working relationship with all the schools I photograph throughout Dumfries & Galloway. I cover all different schools from a small nursery to a large secondary and can offer individual, family, class or even full school photographs depending on size of the school.
Photographs can be taken at anytime during the year to fit in with the schools calendar but most popular is September and October. This gives plenty of time to have photographs taken so that all orders are delivered back to the school in time for Christmas. I try to work to a 6 – 8 week turn round from taking the images, editing, proofing and delivering final prints back to the school.
There are lots of different packages available ranging in sizes, quantities and budget. I also offer high res digital downloads. All photographs are professionally printed to ensure the highest standard and quality and all images come in mounts. I also offer very competitive commission rates which has be greatly received by many schools in these difficult times.
A great addition to my service is if a pupil is absent the day the photographs are taken, they can come into the studio to have their photograph taken so not to be missed especially if it is an important year P1, P7, 1st Year 6th Year etc.
I hope this has told you a little about what is involved in my school photography but if you would like more details or would like to book your school please contact the studio.